Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with Hung Hau Company

On September 28, 2023, Hung Hau Agricultural Corporation Company organized a Mid-Autumn Festival activity with members of the company. This is also an activity that the company wants for all employees, those who work far away and are not near their families, so when this activity takes place, everyone in the company is very excited and excited. create many memorable moments.

This activity also gives everyone the opportunity to share, interact and understand more about the environment they are working in. In particular, each department was given meaningful gifts and wishes to each other. The bright laughter is also the motivation to help the company work even harder, to rise together and develop brilliantly.

Joining this joy, on behalf of our brothers and sisters, we will always maintain a cheerful and excited spirit together to overcome many difficulties. We are always grateful and hope that everyone will always accompany and stick together for a long time. with the company throughout the long journey.

Some pictures of activities: