Durian exports increased 19 times

In the first six months of the year, durian exports reached US$876 million, up nearly 19 times from US$44.2 million in the same period last year.

This is the latest data just announced by Customs. Accordingly, in the first 6 months of the year, fruit and vegetable exports reached US$2.7 billion, up more than 60% over the same period last year. In which, durian led the turnover, reaching 876 million USD, an increase of 832 million USD compared to the same period in 2022.

Vietnamese durian mainly exports to China with 835 million USD, accounting for 95% of the total export value of this commodity group of the country.

Durian garden in Long An.

Mr. Dang Phuc Nguyen, General Secretary of the Vietnam Fruit and Vegetable Association, said that the reason for the sharp increase in durian exports was that in May and June, during the harvest season of this fruit in the southern provinces, the volume exported to China The country increased dramatically. From August to the end of the year will enter the main harvest in the Central Highlands. As a result, production will skyrocket and durian exports are expected to exceed $1 billion.

In addition, according to Mr. Nguyen, over the years, the Government has made many decisions, signed many protocols and FTAs to open the market for the development of the fruit and vegetable industry.

Recently, the price of Vietnamese durian has been bought at a high price by Chinese businesses and small businesses. In addition, the shipping time is short, Vietnamese products are always fresh and delicious, so they have strong competitiveness compared to Thai products.

Currently, the purchase price of durian is increasing sharply due to the Western goods at the end of the season. At the gardeners, the price of first-class durian is selling for 85,000-100,000 VND per kilogram.

According to export businesses, the purchasing and exporting activities of durian are favorable. This year, this fruit sold domestically and internationally is attracting customers because of its higher quality than every year. In the domestic market, the demand for this fruit will increase by 10-15% compared to 2022.

According to the Department of Crop Production, if in 2017, the whole country had 37,000 hectares of durian, last year it increased to 110,300 hectares. In which, the Central Highlands increased by 39,300 hectares, the Mekong River Delta increased by nearly 15,000 hectares and the Southeast region increased by nearly 14,000 hectares. The average annual growth rate of the whole country during this period was 24.5%.

Durian output this year is estimated at 1 million tons, up 15.9% compared to 2022. In which, the output in the third quarter is about 350,000 tons, the fourth quarter is estimated at 260,000 tons.

In 2022, Thailand exported more than 800,000 tons of durian, earning $3.5 billion. Vietnam expects durian export output this year to reach 400,000-500,000 tons, with an estimated turnover of $1.5 billion.

Source: https://vnexpress.net/xuat-khau-sau-rieng-tang-19-lan-4635077.html