Thanh Hoa’s agricultural sector is bountiful in the first 6 months of the year

In the first 6 months of 2023, the production value of the whole agricultural sector in Thanh Hoa has reached more than 18,830 billion VND, the yield of winter-spring rice is the highest ever…

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien visited a seedless fabric model in Thanh Hoa last June

According to data from the General Statistics Office, the growth rate of gross domestic product in Thanh Hoa province in the first six months of 2023 reached 7%, ranking first in the North Central provinces. That general growth result has an important contribution to Thanh Hoa’s agricultural industry with maintaining stable development, the growth rate in the first 6 months of 2023 reached 3.87%, twice as high as the same period last year. (1.93%)

The production value of the whole agricultural industry reached more than 18,830 billion VND, helped farmers stabilize income, agricultural enterprises and cooperatives had a high growth rate. For most localities in Thanh Hoa province, agricultural development is still a pillar in economic development, a foundation for maintaining stability to create a premise for the development of other economic sectors.

In fact, in the first half of this year, Thanh Hoa’s agriculture sector with good signs, such as the highest ever yield of winter-spring rice (average 67 quintals/ha), brought the total food production in the province reached nearly 890,000 tons.

According to data from Thanh Hoa Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the crop production value in the first 6 months of the year reached more than VND 9,000 billion, up 2.3% over the same period last year.

In recent years, Thanh Hoa has promoted forms of cooperation in production and purchasing and processing of agricultural products, so the province still maintains 7 large enterprises to purchase and process rice with a total capacity of 180,000. tons and about 25 enterprises inside and outside the province associated with production and consumption of over 50,000 hectares of crops.

Many production linkage models associated with large-scale product consumption and high economic value continue to be replicated such as the production of F1 rice seeds in Yen Dinh, Thieu Hoa, Tho Xuan, and Hoang Hoa districts.. .

In addition, in economic development, forestry generated impressive numbers with a production value of more than 1,200 billion dong, in the first 6 months of the year. In addition to new planting and care activities, the output of harvested timber and bamboo reached 530,000m3.

Worth mentioning, with the development of many forest product processing factories, especially luong bamboo in Lang Chanh district and many places in Thanh Hoa province, it has avoided the situation of exporting and selling raw products, bringing the value of forest products to the province. many times higher.

Currently, the whole province of Thanh Hoa has 7 chains of linkages between forest owners (households, groups of households) and processing factories; certified forest area is nearly 28,500 ha. The livestock and fishery sectors of Thanh Hoa province in the past 6 months have grown by 5% or more with a production value of VND 5,364 billion and VND 3,253 billion, respectively.

Thanh Hoa’s agriculture industry has just received more good news, when in mid-June 2023, the first batch of seedless lychees from Vietnam was officially available in the UK and Japan markets, this is an important milestone for this type of fabric. Vietnam’s fourth specialty fruit exported officially to this “difficult” market. Seedless lychee varieties imported from Japan were selected, created and tested since 2019 on an area of 30 hectares in Nguyet An commune, Ngoc Lac district of Thanh Hoa province.

More than 1 ton of seedless lychee grown in Thanh Hoa has just been exported to Japan and the UK.

This fabric is produced under GlobalGAP process, certified organic, qualified for export to Japan, Canada and EU countries. The price of this fabric currently supplied on the domestic market is about 170,000 VND / kg, exported to foreign countries (depending on each country) fluctuates more than 800,000 VND / kg.

According to the plan, in the coming time, Thanh Hoa’s agriculture industry will, together with the company and related units, together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, survey and select the best leading plants for breeding, continue continue to expand on the area the company is managing about 700ha.

In addition, Thanh Hoa currently has agricultural products exported to foreign markets such as tapioca starch (Ngoc Lac) with the plan to export 28,000 tons to the Chinese market this year, about 2,000 tons. domestic consumption and bright export to some European countries. Next, Thanh Hoa has fruits such as: prickly pineapple, stomach melon, lychee… to the EU market, Asia and some countries like Russia, UAE, UK, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan… in quantity. big.

According to information from Thanh Hoa Department of Industry and Trade, in the first six months of 2023, agricultural exports in Thanh Hoa province are estimated at nearly $26 million. Many items with high export value over the same period such as tapioca starch (up 7%), vegetables and fruits (up 6.5%)… also according to statistics of the Agricultural Products Processing and Trade Department, Chi The Department of Quality Management of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Thanh Hoa province currently has 40 enterprises participating in exporting agricultural products to 30 countries and territories around the world.

Some typical markets such as China, Korea, Japan, Russia, some EU countries… China is a big export market for Thanh Hoa agricultural products. This is also a market with great potential with great consumer demand thanks to its large population and diverse needs.
