Up to this point, many agricultural products of Vietnam have entered difficult markets such as the US, European Union, Japan… According to experts, to be able to expand the international market The role of e-commerce is extremely important.

Agricultural products gradually catch up with the digital economy
Currently, along with traditional distribution systems, e-commerce has become a new modern channel and a sustainable solution to help domestic goods as well as local agricultural products expand consumption markets.
Lychee is one of the products that have been exported very effectively through both traditional channels and e-commerce channels. In mid-2021, more than 3 tons of Bac Giang lychee, meeting GlobalGAP export standards, were exported by Voso e-commerce platform and cleared at Frankfurt airport port (Germany), fully meeting the criteria for export. food quality, hygiene and safety. Ms. Nguyen Thi Kieu Oanh, an overseas Vietnamese in Germany, said that the form of buying on e-commerce is very popular in Germany, but it is possible to order Vietnamese lychee on the e-commerce platform, then about Received fresh lychee boxes in 4-5 days is what makes many overseas Vietnamese in this country very happy. Vietnamese lychees delivered to German consumers are GlobalGAP-qualified lychees from Luc Ngan (Bac Giang) that have been preliminarily processed to remove damaged fruit, meeting the requirements of plant quarantine and quality control in Vietnam and in Europe, stamped with traceability to the garden.
In addition to lychee, over the past time many agricultural products have been exported through e-commerce channels such as: Binh Thuan dragon fruit, Japanese sweet potato of Vinh Long province, Tam Hoa Bac Ha plum… and many other agricultural products. Other localities across the country have gradually been pushed to e-commerce platforms such as Voso, Lazada, VN Post… Thus, along with traditional consumption channels, Vietnamese agricultural products have been keeping pace with the market. digital economy, going to consumers quickly and conveniently.
Now, thousands of kilometers away, consumers can still buy their favorite local specialties with just a click of a mouse on a computer or a light touch on the screen of a mobile phone. smart phone, an ipad.
According to Mr. Vu Ba Phu – Director of the Trade Promotion Department (Ministry of Industry and Trade), putting goods, especially agricultural products online, for domestic sale and export will be the trend. The Department also connects with the e-commerce floor, the supply chain… to ensure the logistics and warehousing system meets the business requirements of farmers on the floor. From there, creating more sustainable distribution channels for potential products of localities.
It can be seen that, with the explosion of the digital economy, the introduction of agricultural products to the modern sales channel and application of technology is being approached and adapted by manufacturers.
However, according to Mr. Hoang Minh Chien – Deputy Director of the Trade Promotion Department (Ministry of Industry and Trade), farmers’ knowledge about online business through e-commerce platforms is still limited. The quality, output and price of agricultural products when put on the online sales channel are also challenges mentioned by the representative of the trade promotion agency. Therefore, the issue of food safety and hygiene, compliance with production processes, are decisive factors for product quality. At that time, the issue of Vietnamese agricultural products can go further and reach more markets to be confirmed.
Promote online promotion
Facing the above challenges, experts recommend that growers and producers need to pay close attention to the cultivation process to ensure uniform quality of agricultural products; supply chain participants must commit to quality, price, etc. when putting products on the online sales channel, because only when these factors are ensured can they create trust from consumers. In addition, it is necessary to support and accompany the management in promoting the consumption of agricultural products on e-commerce channels both in the domestic market as well as in the world market.
Talking about this issue, the Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy (Ministry of Industry and Trade) said that in the coming time, in addition to domestic e-commerce connection activities, the Department will aim to organize activities to connect e-commerce in the country. connecting e-commerce abroad, promoting Vietnamese goods and Vietnamese agricultural products through online channels, and e-commerce abroad in order to expand markets and promote cross-border e-commerce activities for businesses. Vietnamese industry.
According to the Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy, in order to support e-commerce platforms and expand markets to help people and businesses consume agricultural products, the Department has been and will continue to implement close cooperation. closely with domestic and foreign partners such as: Amazon, Alibaba, Google, Shopee, Voso, Tiki, Lazada… to connect partners with businesses to implement training and training programs for businesses.
Specifically, first of all, it is to improve knowledge of regulations, policies and laws related to e-commerce, and to train necessary skills to participate in e-commerce and cross-border commerce. For example: opening a booth, operating and fulfilling orders, managing logistics, managing product quality when exporting to foreign markets…; at the same time, methodically organize e-commerce programs to support export promotion to major markets through major international e-commerce platforms.
According to the Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy, over the past two years, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused many difficulties for the economy, so in order to promote and promote product consumption, provinces/cities Across the country, attention has been paid to the application of digital transformation tools and solutions to diversify outputs for products as well as supplement traditional consumption channels.
It can be seen that, along with the traditional distribution system, e-commerce continues to promote advantages in the new context and continues to bring many benefits to manufacturers, distributors, and consumers. And this is also an important channel to bring Vietnamese brands of goods and agricultural products to fly high and further to markets around the world.
Source: http://daidoanket.vn/de-nong-san-viet-vuon-xa-5702543.html